【学术报告】何明全教授(重庆大学):Ambipolar Nernst effect and electron-phonon coupling in the Kagome superconductors
[物理与电子工程学院]  [手机版本]  [扫描分享]  发布时间:2023年9月18日

报告题目:Ambipolar Nernst effect and electron-phonon coupling in the Kagome superconductors

报告时间:2023年9月24日 16:00



 Emergence of unusual charge densitiy wave (CDW) and superconductivity in the Kagome superconductors AV3Sb5 makes this Kagome family a prominent platform for investigating the interplay of intertwined charge, superconducting and nematic orders. Despite intensive research, the underlying mechanisms of CDW and superconductivity remain elusive in AV3Sb5. Using thermoelectric and thermal transport measurements, we have found ambipolar Nernst effect and glasslike thermal transport behavior in AV3Sb5 [1-4]. These results point to the important roles played by multiband electronic structure and electron-phonon coupling in the transport properties of AV3Sb5. In addition, signatures of nematic transition are not found in our high-resolution thermal-expansion experiments. This may suggest a pure electronic nature of the nematicity found in AV3Sb5.


 何明全, 重庆大学物理学院“百人计划”研究员。2010年于重庆大学应用物理系获得学士学位, 2014年于香港科技大学物理系获得博士学位, 随后赴德国卡尔斯鲁厄理工学院固体物理所从事博士后研究工作。2018年入职重庆大学, 主要从事强关联电子体系、超导、量子磁性体系的热力学及输运性质研究。近年来在《Physical Review Letters》、《Nature Communications》、《Physical Review B》、《Advanced Functional Materials》、《Nano Letters》、《ACS Nano》等期刊上发表SCI论文50余篇。
