职 称:副研究员
职 务:无
近几年,主要从事量子材料新奇物性研究以及电声耦合致超导性质研究。目前已在《Science Bulletin》、《Phys. Rev. B》、《Phys. Rev. Materials》、《2D Materials》、《Nanoscale》、《J. Alloy. Comp.》、《J. Phys: Conden Matter.》、《Comp. Mater. Sci.》等学术刊物发表论文40余篇,其中以第一或通信作者发表论文20余篇(SCI一区5篇,SCI二区3篇)。以合作者身份在Phys. Rev. Lett., PNAS, Adv. Mater.,Adv. Sci., Nano. Lett.等国际期刊发表论文20余篇。谷歌总引用1300余次,H指数为19。中国物理学会会员、高等学校固体物理研究会理事。American Journal of Physics and Applications、Frontiers in Electronic Materials期刊的编委,Frontiers in Chemistry、RSC advances、ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces等期刊的审稿人。主持国家自然科学基金青年项目1项,主持博士后基金项目1项,参与国家自然科学基金面上项目1项。
1. 国家自然科学基金项目《AlB2类材料的电-声耦合及电子和声子拓扑性质研究》(11904244)(主持,20200101-20221231,结题);
2. 中国博士后科学基金第68批面上资助二等《二维层状过渡金属硫族化合物自旋结构的可控设计与量子调控》(2020M683276)(主持,20201103-20221131);
3. 国家自然科学基金项目《铁电栅极调控下二维材料记忆晶体管阻变特性和物理机制研究》(61974097)(主研,202001-20231231);
4. 高等学校固体物理研究会《以本科毕业设计为核心来推动固体物理教学的提升》(JZW-23-GT-02)(主持,202309-202509);
1. Y. Sun, H.-X.-Shen, M.-Y.-Duan, T. Zhang, Y. Mu, and C. Cheng*, Four-phonon scattering of so-As and improvement of the thermoelectric properties by increasing the buckling height, J. of Physics: Conden. Matter, 36, 165702 (2024).
2. M.-Q. Chen, Y.-S. Li, Y.-F. Wang, Q.-Y. Yang, W. Wang., C. Cheng*, L. Li, K. Liu*, Structural prediction based on CALYPSO and theoretical calculation of mechanical and electrical properties of BAs compounds, Computational Materials Science, 243, 113118 (2024).
3. Y. Luo, Z. Liu, L.-L.Nian, C.Cheng*, L. Xiong*, and B. Zheng*, Elliptical spin textures in two-dimensional semimetals with spatially anisotropic Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction, Phys. Rev B, 109, 134414 (2024).
4. J.-Q.-Li, C. Cheng* and M-Y-Duan*, The electronic and optical properties of multi-layer Bi2O2X (X = S, Se, Te) by first-principles calculations, Applied Surface Science, 618, 156541 (2023).
5. X. Y. Yang, K. Liu*, S. H. Zhang, L. Deng, C. Cheng*, First-principles study on structural, elastic and thermodynamic properties of ZrxNb1-x alloys under high pressure, Materials Today Communications, 37, 106928 (2023).
6. Z. L. Lv, H. L. Cui and C. Cheng*, A predicted orthogonal semimetallic carbon with negative thermal expansion and compressibility, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 24, 23497-23506 (2022).
7. W.-X. Xu, L. Deng, Z. Wang, J. Chang, C. Cheng*, A comparative study of the structural, electronic, vibrational, dielectric and elastic properties of the two phases CaAgBi through first-principles calculations, Chemical Physics, 555, 111449 (2022).
8. C. Cheng*, M.-Y. Duan, W. X. Xu, Z. Wang and X.-L. Zhou. Graphite to AlB2 and MgB2: A comparative study of their Tight Binding Model and Dirac Nodal Line. Philosophical Magazine, 10, 1080 (2021).
9. C. Cheng*, M.-Y. Duan, Z. Wang and X.-L. Zhou. AlB2 and MgB2: a comparative study of their electronic, phonon and superconductivity properties via first principles. Philosophical Magazine, 10, 1080 (2020).
10. Z. Wang, C. Cheng*, H.-X. Zhou, K. Liu*, X.-L. Zhou, Systematic investigations of the electron, phonon, elastic and thermal properties of monolayer so-MoS2 by first-principles calculations, Applied Surface Science, 539, 148238 (2021).
11. C. Cheng, J.-T. Sun, X.-R. Chen and S. Meng. Hidden spin polarization in the 1T-phase layered transition-metal dichalcogenides MX2 (M = Zr, Hf; X = S, Se, Te). Science Bulletin 63, 85, (2018)
12. C. Cheng, J.-T. Sun, M. Liu, X.-R. Chen and S. Meng. Tunable electron-phonon coupling superconductivity in platinum diselenide. Phys. Rev. Materials 1, 074804 (2017)
13. C. Cheng, J.-T. Sun, H. Liu, H.-X. Fu, J. Zhang, X.-R. Chen and S. Meng. Suppressed superconductivity in substrate-supported b12 borophene by tensile strain and electron doping. 2D Mater 4, 025032 (2017)
14. C. Cheng, J.-T. Sun, X.-R. Chen, H.-X. Fu and S. Meng. Nonlinear Rashba spin splitting in transition metal dichalcogenide monolayers. Nanoscale 8, 17854-17860 (2016)
15. C. Cheng, Z.-L. Lv, Y. Cheng, X.-R. Chen and L.-C. Cai. A possible superhard orthorhombic carbon. Diam Related Mater 43, 49–54 (2014)
16. C. Cheng, Z.-L. Lv, Y. Cheng and G.-F. Ji. Structural, elastic and electronic properties of CuYO2 from first-principles study. J Alloy Comp 603, 183-189 (2014)
17. M.-Q. Chen, X.-Y. Yang, Y.-S. Li, C. Cheng, X.-L. Zhou, K. Liu. Systematic Investigations of the Structural, Elastic, and Thermal Properties of c-BAs by First-Principles Calculations. physica status solidi (b), 260, 10 (2023).
18. X. Yang, J. Lv, C. Cheng, Z. Shi, J. Peng, Z. Chen, X. Lian, W. Li, Y. Zou, Y. Zhao, M. H. Rümmeli, S. Dou, J. Sun. Mosaic Nanocrystalline Graphene Skin Empowers Highly Reversible Zn Metal Anodes, Adv. Sci., 2022, 2206077 (2022).
19. L.-T. Shi, Y.-K. Wei, A-K. Liang, R. Turnbull, C. Cheng, X.-R. Chen, G.-F. Ji. Prediction of pressure-induced superconductivity in the novel ternary system ScCaH2n (n= 1–6), Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 9, 7284-7291 (2021).
20. C. Lian, S.-Q. Hu, J. Zhang, C. Cheng, Z. Yuan, S. Gao, and S. Meng. Integrated plasmonics: Broadband Dirac plasmons in borophene, Phys. Rev. Lett., 125, 116802 (2020).
21. P. Chen, C. Cheng, C. Shen, J. Zhang, S. Wu, X. Lu, S. Wang, L. Du, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, J. Sun, R. Yang, D. Shi, K. Liu, S. Meng and G. Zhang. Band evolution of two-dimensional transition metal dichalcogenides under electric fields. Appl. Phys. Lett. 115, 083104 (2019).
22. Y. Luo, C. Cheng, H.-J. Chen, K. Liu and X.-L. Zhou. Systematic investigations of the electron, phonon and elastic properties of monolayer M2C (M = V, Nb, Ta) by first-principles calculations. J. of Physics: Conden. Matter, 31, 405703 (2019).
23. H. Liu, J. T. Sun, C. Cheng, F. Liu, S. Meng. Photoinduced Nonequilibrium Topological States in Strained Black Phosphorus. Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 237403 (2018).
24. J. Zhang, J. Zhang, L. J. Zhou, C. Cheng, C. Lian, J, Liu, S. Tretiak, J. Lischner, F. Giustino and S. Meng. Universal Scaling of Intrinsic Resistivity in Two-Dimensional Metallic Borophene. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 4585, 57 (2018).
25. Y. Shao, Z.-L. Liu, C. Cheng, X. Wu, H. Liu, C. Liu, J.-O. Wang, S.-Y. Zhu, Y.-Q. Wang, D.-X. Shi, K. Ibrahim, J.-T. Sun, Y.-L. Wang, H.-J. Gao. Epitaxial Growth of Flat Antimonene Monolayer: A New Honeycomb Analogue of Graphene. Nano Lett 18, 2133-2139 (2018).
26. M. Liu, C.-E. Hu, C. Cheng, X.-R. Chen. AB Inter-Site Dependent Magnetic Order and Electronic Structure in LaMn3Ni2Mn2O12: A First-Principles Study. J. Phys. Chem. C 122, 1946–1954 (2018).
27. B. Feng, J. Zhang, S. Ito, M. Arita, C. Cheng, L. Chen, K. Wu, F. Komori, O. Sugino, K. Miyamoto, T Okuda, S. Meng, I. Matsuda. Discovery of 2D Anisotropic Dirac Cones. Advanced Materials 1704025, 30 (2018).
28. J. Liu, W.-J. Hou, C. Cheng, H.-X. Fu, J.-T. Sun and S. Meng. Intrinsic valley polarization of magnetic VSe2 monolayer. J. Phys: Conden Matter 29, 255501 (2017).
29. Y. Wu, Q. Wu, F. Sun, C. Cheng, S. Meng and J. Zhao. Emergence of electron coherence and two-color all-optical switching in MoS2 based on spatial self-phase modulation. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 112, 11800-11805 (2015).
30. 陈鸿杰, 王朝, 程才, 刘科, 周晓林等“双层转角石墨烯结构和弹性性质的第一性原理”, 四川师范大学学报(自然科学版), Vol. 43, No. 6 (2020).
31. 宋月, 陈欣雨, 杨锐涵, 吴宇豪, 程才, 刘科等 “梯度折射率介质下的光路计算与成像研究”, 大学物理实验, Vol. 34, No. 4 (2021).
32. 周梦,陶应奇,程才*等“将第一性原理计算方法引入大学物理仿真实验教学”,大学物理, 230058 (2024)
33. 周梦,陶应奇,周晓云,张宇龙,程才*,“新型含能离子盐 TKX-50 状态方程及热力学性质的第一性原理研究”,计算物理,14 6 (2024)
1. 罗燕(协助培养) 研究生 2019年6月毕业,论文题目:“M2GeC和单层M2C(M=V,Nb,Ta)的第一性原理研究”,工作单位:川北医学院(云南大学在职博士)
2. 王朝(协助培养)研究生2021年6月毕业,论文题目:“IYPT模式培养高中生科研创新能力的应用研究——以高二电磁学为例”,工作单位:武汉大学电子信息学院攻读博士学位
3. 周恒希(协助培养)研究生2021年12月毕业,论文题目:“二维磁性材料MnXY(X,Y=S,Se,Te,X≠Y)的结构、弹性性质及居里温度的研究”,工作单位:自贡市汇东实验学校
4. 徐文轩 研究生2022年6月毕业,论文题目:“ABC类材料的结构、弹性以及电声耦合等性质的第一性原理研究”,工作单位:科研助理,积极申博中。
5. 邓丽 研究生 2023年6月毕业,论文题目:“A2B型电子化合物的结构、弹性、振动及光学性质的第一性原理研究”,工作单位:德阳市绵竹市南轩中学
6. 孙勇 研究生 2024年6月毕业,论文题目:“几种具有平带的二维材料系统热电性能及其机理研究”,工作单位:泸州中学
7. 邱宇 研究生 2024年6月毕业,论文题目:“几种非中心反演体系移位电流的第一性原理计算研究”,工作单位:熙泰科技(眉山)有限公司
8. 杨雪艺(协助培养) 研究生 2024年6月毕业,论文题目:“高温高压下立方合金高阶弹性性质的第一性原理计算研究”,工作单位:绵阳高新区实验中学
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